Photographs: Laëtitia Vançon
The first work began on the Folschviller research site on Monday, December 2, 2019.
First step: an environmental drilling – 35 meters deep.
What drilling engineering?
This borehole has the particularity to have a double measuring chamber system: one in groundwater table at a depth of 12 meters and another in a geological layer (clay marls) at – 30 meters from the surface.
What is measured with this drilling?
Drilling will measure which gases are naturally present in the subsoil and aquifer, as well as their natural variations over time and seasons, outside any industrial activity. The goal is to create a geochemical baseline targeted at the soil gases: carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4, oxygen O2 et nitrogen N2.
What will the drilling be used for?
The system will validate monitoring tools and protocols to control and measure the potential environmental impacts of a human activity on the subsoil and aquifer.